About Us

Our Mission and Core Values

For a better world


Hearts and Minds® is a nonprofit that addresses the structural roots of extreme global poverty and inequality.

We work to solve this challenge effectively through public education and advocacy for reforms including foreign policy in the United States and other wealthy nations to:

  • Reform policies that subsidize the wealthy and hurt the poor.
  • Expand cost effective programs that already help millions of people.

Together we’ll change the world, empowering the world’s poorest people and those in the wealthier nations to help make the world more sustainable, just, democratic, peaceful and beautiful now and for all future generations.

Core values

We will treat all people as we would like to be treated, working in a very open, generous, honest and exemplary way.

We strive to empower the public and our staff (almost entirely volunteers), providing them with educational and vocational opportunities in our local, national and global communities.

Our work aims at improving equality of opportunity, communication and understanding between individuals, genders, cultures, races, religions and nations.


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