
Donate Computers and More

Nonprofit equipment donations

We gratefully accept desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, and other office equipment donations if less than four years old and in good working order. We can wipe your hard drives to protect your privacy. 

We may be able to use some office furniture and office supplies. 

The fair market value of donations are tax deductible. We are happy to provide a receipt upon request.

We are unable to accept clothing, or home items like sofas, beds, etc. Other places accept these goods.

Donation benefits include:
  • Helping others
  • Eligibility for a tax deduction
  • Improving the environment – less waste in landfills

We may be able to pick up items, but it is a big plus – and much appreciated – if you can drop them off at our Midtown Manhattan office. Please contact us to confirm if we can accept your items before delivery. If we can’t, we’ll help you find other places to donate them.

You are welcome to contact us, call or text us anytime at 1-212-280-0333.

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