
Why Give?

You can help end poverty.

Every 5 seconds, a child dies from poverty-related causes. That’s 6.2 million children a year.

What’s at stake

Extreme poverty brings epidemics, refugee crises, wars and terrorism. Billions of lives including ours and our children’s could be in danger.

Good news

The Earth already has all the resources and methods to end most extreme poverty.

You can help create a more sustainable, just, peaceful and beautiful world for us and for future generations.

Hearts and Minds work for a most achievable initiative to help end extreme global poverty more quickly and cost effectively. Our grassroots public education and advocacy raises support for comprehensive, expanded programs.

Each year, we provide more than 50 volunteers with hands-on, vocational experience in a wide range of skills. Here’s some of their comments.

Exceptional efficiency

Thanks to many donated goods and services, we’ve done more than $7 worth of work for each dollar spent.

Donations are tax-deductible.

You can donate now.

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